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Become A True Winner And Get Happiness In Your Life

We are all wondering why we have to be a winner. Is being a winner mean somebody has to loose, or is being a winner takes it all? In my humble opinion winner is not about you beat all those who fight.

Become a winner in my opinion is not because we have overcome something beyond us. Yes, we won because we had triumphed for ourselves. Defeat the bad feelings out of conscience and what we believe.

We can win even when we lost a game if we are able to change the way we think that the actual play was not just a matter of losing and winning only in what is seen. The real winners are those who are not angry when losing, respect the game and the competition itself.

Real winners are those who know when to say I lost and I accept my defeat. Letting go what has happened and do more at the next opportunity. This is how we will get the kindness and happiness.